Basic skills for clinical researchers working with biomedical data

31 August 2013

![]( Just a simple list of skills that, in my personal opinion, make it for a good set of skills a clinical researcher should have in order to explore a topic from multiple design perspectives. * Design * Cross-sectional * Trends * RCTs * Qualitative * Surveys * Longitudinal * Time to event * Classification * Scales * Writing * Introduction * Methods and standards * Results and mock tables * Analysis interpretation * Inferential tests * Regression * Time to event * Scales * Classification * SEM * qualitative and qca * Data management and exploratory graphical analysis * Data cleaning * Association plots * Maps * Qualitative data collection * data collection, interview techniques, storage * Survey data collection * questionnaire set up, mturkR * Finding existing data * repositories * csv * what is xml, json, rdf * large data and mysql * what is hadoop * Writing of grant proposals * specific aims, significance, innovation, approach, cvs * Literature search * google search, pubmed, reference manager, map against manuscript * Reproducible research * Project management * agile, * Dissemination * blogging and white papers * presentation - audience, fear, handling difficult questions, presentation structure, videos * white papers by Ricardo Pietrobon